Resident Services
Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
The HACDB FSS Program coaches and empowers HUD-assisted families in both the Housing Choice Voucher, and Public Housing Programs to increase their earned income, and reduce their dependency on welfare assistance and rental subsidies. The program focuses on employment and savings as incentives for low-income families to move towards economic self-sufficiency. The program offers both case management and coaching services to help DBHA residents and families set and pursue promising careers goals that lead to suitable employment to help the families move out of poverty.
An escrow account is established for low income families who may qualify for the credits. Escrow accounts are established when families’ rents increase through earned income. Housing Authority of the City of Daytona Beach (HACDB) will deposit the increased rental charges into a savings account. By the end of the FSS contract, participants must have been off of welfare assistance for at least 12 months, and gainfully employed to receive their escrow funds. Families that complete the program may withdraw funds from their accounts for any purpose.
The FSS program can be up to five years for those families who will need five years to become self–sufficient. If you are a resident of the Public Housing, or the Housing Choice Voucher Program, and you are interested in learning more about the benefits of the Family Self-Sufficiency program, please contact the FSS Coordinator for more information.
Terika Scatliffe HCV FSS Coordinator (386) 777-3942
Taneha Petties LIPH FSS Coordinator (386) 777-2583
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