Voucher Programs

Project Based Vouchers

The PBV program was enacted in 1998, as part of the statutory merger of the certificate and voucher tenant-based assistance programs under the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. Significant changes to the program were subsequently enacted in law in 2000, by the Fiscal Year 2001 Appropriations Act, and in 2008, by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. The latest statutory changes to the PBV program were enacted recently by the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA). 


Project-based vouchers (PBVs) are a component of a public housing agency’s (PHA’s) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. PHAs are not allocated additional funding for PBV units; the PHA uses its tenant-based voucher funding to allocate project-based units to a project. Projects are typically selected for PBVs through a competitive process managed by the PHA; although in certain cases projects may be selected non-competitively.



A PHA can use up to 20 percent of its authorized voucher units to project-base units in a specific project if the owner agrees to either rehabilitate or construct the units, or the owner agrees to set-aside a portion of the units in an existing development. In certain cases, the PHA may use an additional 10 percent of its authorized voucher units for PBV assistance. Information as to whether a PHA manages the PBV program may be found by contacting our office directly.

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